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Wayne dumbs it down to sound like Biggie on homage track

The Literary Genius of Lil Wayne: 
The case for Lil Wayne to be counted among Shakespeare and Dylan

Paperback  iBook  Kindle

This blog post is supplementary to and NOT featured in the book.

The chapter "Form over Flow" in the book details exactly how Lil Wayne is different as a lyricist from other acclaimed rappers, including Drake, Rick Ross, Nas, Eminem, Black Thought, Childish Gambino, Kool G Rap, T.I., Notorious B.I.G., Jay Z and MF Doom.

Further support for this argument can be found in Wayne's "duet" with Biggie on the "I'm Wit Whateva" remix from the album Duets: The Final Chapter. On that track, Wayne adopts a clearly different style of rap, more akin to the "flow" of other rappers, as opposed his own "form" style. Wayne's style on the track is a clear homage to Biggie, emulating his flow.

Those familiar with Wayne will notice the absence of "random" sounding non sequiturs in this verse and the absence of puns, which always otherwise pepper Wayne's lyrics. Furthermore, Wayne offers rhymes on this track that are one/two/three syllables long as opposed to his own typical 3/4/5/6/7/8+ syllable rhymes.

This track lends further support to the idea expressed in the book that Wayne is, in fact, intentional about the literary devices and the incredible complexity of his lyrics, because in "I'm Wit Whatever," Wayne turns all of this OFF to pay homage to Biggie and thereby sound more like his peers.


The Literary Genius of Lil Wayne: 
The case for Lil Wayne to be counted among Shakespeare and Dylan

Paperback  iBook  Kindle


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