English is Stupid. Proof? Lil Wayne’s New Album, Funeral By Kreston Kent, Author of The Literary Genius of Lil Wayne ( www.krestonkent.com ) English is Stupid. The English language, much like America, is truly a melting pot. It’s Germanic but also Latin-based; it rips words whole hog from dozens of other languages; it has as many exceptions as rules. And it has “contronyms,” words with two meanings that are the direct opposite of each other! That’s right, the same word means both one thing and its opposite, like “to seed” the ground means to put seeds in, but “to seed” a fruit means to take seeds out. English is Messy, Confusing, Chaotic – Like Weezy All this makes English messy, confusing, chaotic, and, well, stupid – but only stupid in the sense of, “my flow is stupid,” meaning great . And English has never been proven “stupider” ( greater ) than on Lil Wayne’s newest album, Funeral . He says so himself on the track “Mama Mia,” repeating four times: “I’m ...
www.krestonkent.com Bridger Bell Kreston Kent Lil Wayne The Literary Genius of Lil Wayne